Monday, June 9, 2008

Oak Tree Inspirations....

Oh my... It's a LOVELY morning here at Windsor, about one hour north of San Francisco. I've got three sleeping teenagers in their bedrooms, probably for hours yet. But, being the early bird I am, I've been up and creating since 5:30. I took a picture of a Mighty Oak, the view outside my condo patio. I waited until the early morning sun illuminated the outer branches. There is something so powerful about this tree!

MANDALATREE.jpg picture by bouldercreekantiquesandart

So, I played around with it in photoshop and found it wasn't too hard to make a beautiful, and powerful, Mandala!MANDALA16-9-08.jpg picture by bouldercreekantiquesandart

Then I took it a few more steps and began playing around... I don't know which one I love the most! There's something to be said for leaving Mother Nature as she is.... but I LOVE the results here.... (comments? which do you like best?)
MANDALA26-9-08.jpg picture by bouldercreekantiquesandart

So, with this, I say Good Morning World... Good Morning Dear Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Chris,
    What a marvelous and divine Oak Tree this is. You captured it's essence so! And to capture the light peaking through there like are quite the photographer. the Photo Shop version. The center looks like that male figure you see sometimes in reference to Leonardo Di Vinci..ya know? A very strong center. You are too much!
    Beautiful way of "cultivating calm"...which you've helped me to do with your mandala.

    Enjoy your day with the three teenagers...and please give Britt a smile and a hug for me!

    love you...


Thanks for your comments!
Sweet Blessings and Big Love to you