Saturday, June 14, 2008

Morning Mandala

What a fabulous morning. I'm up early (of course) and have been playing around with a Cemetery Angel photo I took this spring at Holy Cross Cemetery. I love that place... not only for the rich childhood memories coming from an Irish Catholic family... there is just something so spiritually rich, alive and soulful.

My grandmother's grave is actually up on a hill, under a pine tree, looking West out over a valley of Cemetery Angels with the coastal mountains beyond. Sometimes in my meditation, I go there just to breathe and feel my connection to my ancestors. So.... I decided to play with my angel picture and fool around with Photoshop. I have so much to learn!! but it was fun just getting to this stage.

Then... to top off my morning, my new sister-in-law to be, Linda, wrote me a deeply touching email about her family, her sisters passing at such a young age. My sister passed three years ago and Linda is marrying my
brother-in-law Steve, a week from today! She took out some time for deep reflections this morning and shared them with me. I feel so touched and honored by her sweetness.... right in the middle of all the wedding preparations! I get to say something during the ceremony... and her musings this morning have inspired me. I just feel so full of joy and happiness that Steve and Linda have found each other and that I have an opportunity to enjoy a rich relationship with them both. (Here's a picture of them.)

So, thank you God/Goddess, for this wonderful day....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice musings...about your dad.

    Where have you been? It's me! Our dads used to work together at Bordens.

    Anyway, just taking time out from my job to say hi and I am so happy all is well with you! Me too.




Thanks for your comments!
Sweet Blessings and Big Love to you