Saturday, September 20, 2014

HOORAY! My book is now on Amazon!

Hello friends. This was my first attempt at a self-published book. Somethings I would do different (like design the back cover too!)... but I'm excited that I got this much accomplished. If you happened to purchase one of my early self made copies on Etsy, I'd appreciate a review! Thanks so much.
Sweet Blessings for a Creative and Wonderful weekend!


  1. Congratulations! It's a great feeling to get a book published I know.

    1. Thank you sweet friend. YES! and it's even more exciting to see your book is being purchased, with little or no marketing! Thank you so much. I love following your blog and the work you are doing. Sweet Blessings, Chris

  2. Chris sweetie,

    Congratulations for getting your book published.
    I am in love with all your Journal covers. They color combinations are stunning. :)

    1. Hello dear Norma... thank you so much for checking in with my blog. I'm loving working with the journal covers... but had to stop to refocus on making more dolls! Just discovered (quite late in the game I must say) Sari silk fibers and ribbons. Ordered a bunch and can't wait to create my next doll. I love reading your blog, and keeping up with your amazing work! Thanks again, and sweet blessings to you, Chris


Thanks for your comments!
Sweet Blessings and Big Love to you