Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An amazing day with good friends...

Yesterday was both magical and sacred. I met up with wonderful friends Nina and Hugh in the lovely town of Port Townsend. They moved up here over seven years ago, so it was wonderful to see their beautiful home nestled in the hilly and wooded area. We took the ferry Ferry from Port Townsend and to visit Earth Sanctuary. (Read more about Earth Sanctuary here

This is the 'Stupa' Chuck built. A Stupa is a Buddhist commemorative monument housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons.
 There were many Tibetan prayer flags and prayer wheels. Always to be spun in a clockwise direction, as the earth moves around the sun. Chuck used modern technology by placing hundreds of CD disks in these bells with hundreds of prayers on each CD... I forgot how many prayers he said were released with every revolution of each bell.
 Rock pillars were everywhere... and no, no cement or glue was used. Every rock is in Sacred Balance... a good inspiration for our daily lives.
 One of the many stone circles Chuck built on this land.

 Chuck Pettis—visionary, designer, author, monument-builder, and eco-artist—is the founder of Earth Sanctuary leading us on a guided tour with several meditation stops. We practiced a deep breathing meditation here, inside this structure.
 It was so wonderful to experience a whole day and wonderful evening with Nina and Hugh. I married them over 15 years ago!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Making tiny Wisdom Books

Well, yesterday was the third and final day of this three day retreat at the lovely Birch Bay. It was interesting the way the day took on a new direction. One of the attendees is animal friendly, and didn't want to make a leather covered book. (They are really tiny journals.) So before they arrived, I practiced making a book using cardboard covered with fabric for the book cover. It was a bit more detailed and complicated than the regular leather covered books.
   So when I showed the class my sample book, they all wanted to create a fabric covered journal. Yes, it was a tad more complicated, but everyone seemed to enjoy the process. Then, after we finished and admired each others books, everyone wanted to make a second one. AND!! I discovered some of my 'leather' recycled samples are not truly leather at all! There were several pieces of 'faux' leather... made of synthetic fibers!
   And, what fun we had. The leather covered journals were so much simpler to make. And I love watching the creative process in others. Here they are....
Aren't they fabulous? Each book has three signatures and can be written or doodled in.
   Today I return to Port Townsend. My GPS has a 'Minimize Freeways' selection. Took me through some beautiful and amazing scenery on the way up. Hopefully, it will be less rainy and I'll have some great photo opps.
  Sweet blessings, my friends.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The birthing of new Spirit Dolls

Hello friends... Yesterday was amazing! Three new Spirit Dolls were birthed! Aren't we glad that we can give birth in this gentle and creative way! Not to mention Lots of Fun!!

Here we see Shannon securing the inner padding to her doll's frame.
 The arms were secured first by the artificial sinew, then the padding is secured with long strips of torn muslin. I love the wavy arms!
 Well, someone (me) got so engrossed she forgot to take more pictures of the process! Here's Shannon's doll almost finished!
 I love the beautiful applique! and all that thick red hair!
 Here is my doll. I started off with the fall color theme that seemed popular today... but something shifted, and here she is in her purple/green/blue finery! with feathers in her hair to boot.
 Lili's doll is magnificent! (sorry I spaced out on taking more pictures of Lili's process.) I love the white dreadlocks! And the royal blue belt sets off nicely against the orange velvet dress!
 both Lili and Shannon are so focused on their creations. This is the point in most workshops where I tactfully mention 'less is often more'... we could just keep going on and on... it's such fun!

 Beautiful smiles.... beautiful Spirit Dolls. A good time was had by all!
Today we make tiny Wisdom Books.... tiny little journals. Pictures to follow! I promise.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day One... Spirit Doll Workshops - Prayer Sticks

Hello friends... I'm listening to the seagulls as I make this post this morning. Even though it's been mostly raining... it has be absolutely beautiful here at Birch Bay.

So, here are some pictures of our first day.... PRAYER STICKS
 Lili of Joyfull Essence, is auditioning a collection of feathers and trims, tuning into the Chakra colors.
 And Brigit, of Brigit's Beauties, is measuring and cutting lengths of fibers....

 We were SO FOCUSED! very little conversation was going on.... really, a BLISSFUL way to create!

 Lili is adding some beautiful crystal beads to her Spirit Doll face.
 And here are our three Prayer Sticks.... Mine is on the left, Lili's in the middle, and Brigit's on the right.

Bliss... after a happy day creating!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today starts our weekend of Spirit Doll Making...

Okay now... I'm settled in up here in the beautiful Birch Bay area. Going to meet up with sister doll makers Brigit and Lili.  Feels like this amazing sunset from last night is blessing our journey together!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesdays 'Medicine' Walk

Ah... the quiet before yesterday's storm. Bundled up, I leisurely walked the sweet beach just under the windows and decks of my condo. Discovery Bay is deliciously peaceful and calm. Seagulls swoop by me as the waters gently lap against the shore.... I find my 'Medicine' in Mother Nature.

Mother Nature provides ample materials for our needs...

 A most beautiful work of art!

Namaste and Sweet Blessings.
Today I'm heading up to Birch Bay and to meet with my friend Brigit!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In the Pacific Northwest!

Ah... Hello friends.... I'm feeling so fortunate this morning to be here in the Pacific Northwest. First, a two day silent retreat... just myself. Then I'll be meeting up with sister Spirit Doll artists to create more sacred dolls this weekend. Expect lots of pictures!

Here's where I had lunch yesterday.... just beautiful!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Finding PEACE in the storm...

Good morning friends.... I posted this over on my Prayer Crone blog... and feel strongly enough about it to repost it here. I know, I usually post about my art activities. But the wisdom here, is at the very core of me. At least it's what I WANT to have at my inner core....

Finding the calm in stormy times...

Today's Daily Word should have been read last night! Just before retiring, I got the news that one of our renters gave notice and that the attendance for the workshop this weekend is very low. I had great news yesterday too. I was invited to do a workshop at our local metaphysical store. 
   But, I let the agitation overwhelm me... and I couldn't drift off to sleep. Well, here are the words that really speak to my inner core:
At the core of my being, I find peace.
We are told that Jesus didn’t fret about the storms in his life. He remained confident and denied them any power. In the same way, I say, Peace, be still, to any storms in my life. I deny them any power over me.
In the midst of a tumultuous situation, I turn within, close my eyes, and observe my emotions. I notice any restlessness in me and whisper to it: Peace, be still. I focus on my breathing and feel the storm dissipate. By tapping in to the peace at the core of my being, I find the calm strength necessary to meet challenges and overcome difficulties as Jesus did.
Right and perfect solutions come, and all things work together for good. Even in stormy times, I am at peace, and all is well.
He woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm.—Luke 8:24
Well, if Jesus didn't fret over the storms in his life... isn't that a good model for myself? Turning within, I can whisper to myself: Peace, be still. I can focus on my breathing, tapping into the peace that is truly at the core of my being, finding the calm I so deeply desire. 
I am grateful for these powerful words of wisdom.
God Bless and Namaste...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Prayer Crone

Good morning friends... just thought I'd invite you to one of my other blogs: PRAYER CRONE. Here, I am committed to posting a daily prayer from the heart of my Crone Self. If you're so moved, I invite you to join me in a short daily prayer. Sweet blessings, Chris

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Quite a Lacy Bounty!

I was going to post a series of pictures of the AMAZING lace I found at a garage sale last week... for 'wordless Wednesdays'. Guess I missed the deadline! But, while I love making Spirit Dolls... I flipped for these fibers!!! Garage sale last week. For less than $70 I came home with arm fulls of  beautiful vintage laces... most from the late 1890's! Including some wonderful millinery netting! Just look at these yummy photos!  (So I sneaked in a few fabric lace pages for another Suffragette Book.) Stay tuned!