What an amazing woman she is! My big EPIPHANY came when I put two and two together. Owning an antique store for the last 10 years, I've consciously cleared the energy attached to all the myriad items our dealers bring in. Regularly, I walk room to room in the store and bless all the things, the soul/energy surrounding each item, and all the people who have previously enjoyed the ownership and use of those items.
Sounds good... so what's the problem? well... I have two areas in our home that are just heavy and bogged down... cluttered to the max and are overwhelming to approach. Every time I try to organize or declutter these two areas, I seem to get easily distracted by some other "must do" and the dilemma stays static. BOTH of those areas are a stockpile of used antiques and collectibles that I am to either list on ebay or sell in the shop. AND I'VE NEVER THOUGHT TO CLEAR THE ENERGY around these items here in my home! DUH!
So, thank you to Jeanine, for what I already knew... but just didn't remember!! The two areas already feel lighter and more approachable!
And that's my nugget for today!
I needed to know this.. and hear this.. and do this. Thank you!