The Making of a Postdenominational Priest
A book review that 'makes sense of it all!'
I had the good fortune to be raised in the Catholic
tradition. However, I always ‘blurred my eyes’ (by squinting through my
eyelashes) and discerned what the priests and nuns ‘really’ meant. Sadly
though, I wasn’t permitted to be an alter-girl, since the church dictate was
only men, made in His image (so the priest told me) could go beyond the
communion rail. I thought for a while I’d be a nun, but then, I did like boys.
So, by the late seventies, I found a home in the Episcopal Church and attended
a series by one of the first thirteen ordained women, Laura Frasier (RIP).
Fearless and passionate, she was known to push the envelope, inviting us to
look at the history of spiritual consciousness in an evolving, Earth centered
way. She had us gaze into one another’s eyes, to see the Divinity in each one.
Not only did she open my heart, she was my gateway to the mystic and visionary,
Dr. Matthew Fox.
Having many fabulous years as a lay minister in the Unity
Church, and later dancing my way through 20 years of my own ministry ‘Conscious
Connections Community,’ Matthew Fox has been a spiritual hero, guide, and proof
that there is life after the Catholic Church.
Currently submerged in the life and teachings of Hildegard
of Bingen, I took a break to read an early release of Dr. Matthew Fox’s
‘CONFESSIONS: The Making of a Post-denominational Priest.’ Of course, I met up
with Hildegard throughout his often witty but deeply humble autobiography.
Throughout his book I found spiritual nourishment in recurrent themes, both
from what I thought the nuns and priests ‘really meant,’ to all I’ve come to
understand in my almost seventy years. An experiential understanding of the
Divine resonates from his soul to mine.
Fox tells us about his early inspirational years with his
family and church. So ‘ordinary’. So easy to identify with. Then we find ourselves plunging into his
not-so-ordinary travels through the years, trying to integrate spirituality
back into religious practices. He states: “Without spirituality we, all of us
and especially rationalists, fall back on piety. The soul shrinks. The heart
aches. We become cosmically lonely. Cosmically afraid.”
I found my soul so soothed, my heart hopeful. I face the
work I do with Suicide Prevention and Hospice Grief Support with more courage
and conviction with Dr. Fox’s words: “It is not silence we are bound to
observe, but listening. Listening to God. In others, in ourselves, all about
us. How many talks I have heard on silence which themselves betrayed the act of
listening. For silence is for listening. And to listen is to love.”
I am especially enthused by these words: “Meanwhile, the need
for a spirituality which can heal Mother Earth and usher in an era of a global
renaissance goes on. I am proud to be part of that movement. I encourage those
who have found a spiritual home in creation spirituality to continue to speak
out from a place of ‘inner wealth,’ as Eckhart says.”
I so highly suggest this is a must read for those who want
to go deeper in their own spiritualty, to see into the life, works, and
thinking of a true modern Christian Mystic.
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