Sunday, December 28, 2014

Suffragette Lace Book is finally finished!

I've spent the last quarter of 2014 mostly creating and leading Spirit Doll workshops. As a 'treat' to myself, I've spent the last few days indulging in my love of lace. So, here is the book....
 Layers upon yummy layer of luscious, delicate, vintage laces. The book measures approximately 9x7" and about 3" thick.
 Many pages have pockets stashed with lacy tags with information regarding the Suffragette Movement, their goals, and some of their quotes.
 All the photographs are printed on cotton. I've tried to capture the tags.
 Many Suffragettes welcomed going to jail to make their point!


  1. Chris, your lace book is absolutely beautiful! Wow! Indulging in lace paid off in a very beautiful way :)

  2. I totally understand your need to create this lace book Chris about the Suffragette movement including important women represented here. It is a pure and satisfying work of love which will be a keepsake for as long as you wish.
    Thank you so much for appreciating my artwork as I appreciate yours. Your beautiful laces are always within a metre of where I work to remind me of your kindness and the many gifts of inspiration which blogging bring into our world.
    I hope the New Year continues in a similar vein for you with your spirit dolls and books to bring much inspiration to us as well as joy, happiness and inner peace to you!
    xox Suzy

  3. your book is truly divine! Thank you for sharing.....I am in awe.


Thanks for your comments!
Sweet Blessings and Big Love to you