Thursday, April 29, 2010

Early Spring Morning in the Redwoods

So, who would want to get out of bed in the morning. Here's my view with the sun dancing in the Redwoods!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Painting Progress

My friend Vita encouraged me to show my paintings in progress. Actually, it really helps to see a painting on the computer screen rather than only in person. It gives another perspective. Here, I started by outlining her face in black, then started in with umber and off white, but had to get in my wonderful aqua blue. Everything is just undercoats. She looks like she'd be a wonderful Afro-Angel... we'll see what develops!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Pics

OK, so here are some better pictures of my last set of paintings. Actually, I have a few more that I haven't photographed yet, but I'm not as pleased as I am with these.

Here is a more stylized lady: (still a little blurry)
Here's a closeup of her face. I got daring and used darker and darker colors. Lighter lights and darker darks make more of a sculpted and contoured face.
And this one is done on a wonderful "Studio Board" that my husband made. A lovely birch substrate to work on.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Latest Ladies

I am trying this on my new computer without a photo handling program. Just wanted to get my latest paintings up. It helps If I can see them from a different perspective.