Friday, May 30, 2008

Ta Da...

Being one who rises early, it was 4am this morning when I was fairly bursting with zim and zeal, totally enthused about starting this blog of early morning thoughts. Each morning I sit in my meditation space, gazing out into the early morning mist, and I think up fabulous thoughts.... I put these down to paper in one of my many journals... only to sit and never shared.

So, it's my joy and expectation to share some, ok, just some, of those thoughts here. 'Cept this morning was all about refining the Redwood tree picture in photoshop. Lucky me, to have an able granddaughter, Brittany, set me right about how to resize, etc. I just love the finish product...

Now, my morning time is up and I'm off to work in the shop today. I look forward to a long and joyfilled journey with whom ever comes my way.