Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Inner Monk

Well, I've continued to be in some sort of altered reality this week. I'm here and present, but also kind of empty in my mind. ?????? Maybe after ten years of pressure and of being overwhelmed and having to work 60 hours a week, I'm still in shock at the unpressured state of being today.

Then again, I've also dramatically altered my state of thinking to allign with the Law of Attraction. When I am now confronted with what would have made me frustrated, tense, pressured, etc... I an conscious to choose another way of thinking, another way of holding the information. So maybe it's the absence of all the stress and anxiety that manifested a great deal of mind and time. I believe I am recalibrating to living with more "roominess" mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The biggest thing that is going on for me this week is about connecting to my angels and guides. More and more I am finding their interventions in my life. And through unexpected sources. Yesterday my son was imploring me to return to a regular diet regiment such as OA. He expressed his desire for me to be around for a long time. And he said he was going to call me each day to get my calorie count. (Something my OA sponsor would do.) It touched my heart and brought out tears. Such a sweet way of showing that he cares.

And there is more to that story.... more about making that deeper connection to my son. But, see... I can't think of any words to share about that. It's just a feeling of deepening and soul joy.

My morning Essene meditation said something about my inner monk that keeps me centered in my castles of love and that I am empowered by that Chant within.

So, I'm taking more quite time now.

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